Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Do I Do When I Have Been Disobedient? - Day 3

Alright so yesterday was a great day here in G'ville...we had an amazing night of ministry with The Bridge last night under the Jefferson Street bridge where we served dinner, distributed personal items and a few sleeping bags and a bike to over 150 homeless folks in Nashville.  Excited about working with World Relief today!

Yesterday we said that the first thing we have to do when we've been disobedient to God is to realize and admit it....not an easy thing to do.  Once we realize it, what's next?

Repent of your sin. 

Read Revelation 2:1-5 if you haven't already.....

Revelation 2:5 states, "Remember then how far you have fallen; repent..."

What does God want you and me to remember?  What does it mean to repent - how would you define that word for a friend who is not a Christian?

Basically it goes like this....after we acknowledge our sin we need to ask for forgiveness.  When a person repents of their sin that means they turn away from it.  They choose to go in a completely different direction.

The writer of Revelation reminded the church at Ephesus how far they had drifted away from God.  The only way for them to come back to Him was through prayer and repentance.  God would not bless the church until they confessed their sins to Him.

It is one thing for us to admit we have sinned but it is something different for us to ask forgiveness for our sin.  In order for us to repent we must be willing to humble ourselves and commit our lives to Jesus.  We have all fallen away from God and we all need to ask for His forgiveness and grace.  It's impossible to have a healthy relationship with God if we refuse to repent.

When was the last time you were convicted about something you did?  Have you ever asked for God's forgiveness?  How did it feel to know you had been forgiven?

As Christians, when we sin we do not lose our salvation, but we do need to confess our sin and repent.  Each person needs to have their own, personal relationship with Christ.  If we turn away from something but have nowhere to go, we will still end up in trouble.  Jesus provides direction for our lives as well as the forgiveness of sin.

If you haven't repented of your sins because you don't have this personal relationship with Christ, then myself, Coat, or any of your Sunday School teachers would love to talk with you about how you can have a personal, real relationship with Jesus Christ!  Grab us anytime!

Hope to see a lot of you this morning and tonight at IGNITE @ 6 in The Attic!


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