Monday, July 19, 2010

What Situations Give Me a Pass on Obeying - Day 1

What up e'rebody!  It's good to be back in the G'ville after a great week at M-Fuge in Charleston last week.  I hope that we will have new visitiors joining the blog for the first time today so let's jump right in.

All month we've been talking about obedience and more specifically our obedience to God.  The first week we learned that our obedience to God starts by loving God and then loving others.  We learned that are obedience shows itself when we love God, walk in His ways, keep His commands, remain faithful to HJim and serve Him.

The second week we saw that the reason that we should obey God is that by doing so it shows our love for Him.  We saw that our obedience to God provides benefits for us such as getting to experience the love God, getting to enjoy the fellowship of God, and getting to express our relationship with God.

Yesterday morning, Andrew tackled the issue of partial obedience with you guys and we learned that partial obedience is really disobedience...not an easy thing to hear right?

Ok, so this week we are going to spend some time talking about whether or not there are any situations where you can get a free pass on obeying God.  So let's get into the word a little bit!

What we are going to see is that the Bible encourages us to obey God no matter what the situation.  That can be really, really tough, especially when we can't see the end result!  This week is going to help us understand the importance of not questioning God, but rather just following Him!

So here's the first point for the week:

Obey even when it doesn't make sense!

We're going to spend a couple of days on this one so let's just kinda introduce it today.  Have you ever had to follow some directions that you thought were totally ignorant?  Imagine if I pulled you up front Wednesday night at Ignite and told you to follow my directions regardless of how ridiculous they might sound.  What if I asked you to hold your breath for a minute and then to walk backward while barking like a seal; spin around 14 times and then do 8 jumping jacks; jump up and down while singing "Bye, Bye, Bye" and so on.....Would you do it?

Sometimes we are supposed to follow instructions even if they don't make sense!

Read Genesis 12:1-4........

Why didn't God instructions make sense?  What would you have done?

Think about that today and also think about how well you follow you question everything you're asked to do?  Leave me some feedback or thoughts if you guys actually have any :)  Hope you have a great  Monday!


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