Thursday, July 22, 2010

What Situations Give Me A Pass on Obeying - Day 4 was good to see a lot of you guys last night at IGNITE...look forward to seeing more of you Sunday morning at SS.  Ok....quick review....we're talking about situations where a lot of times we might think we can get a free pass on obedience so that we don't have to do what God commands us.  We've already seen that we need to obey even when it doesn't make sense and we've also seen we need to obey even when we don't know all the here's one more situation to talk about...

Obey even when you are afraid.

What kinds of things cause you fear?  What is the one thing of which you are most afraid?  Why?

Ok so let's read Genesis 15:1 today...

What we see is that Abram was willing to uproot his entire family and lifestyle in order to obey God.  However, God knew Abram was concerned and a little afraid about the move.  God appeared to Abram and gave him comfort and reassurance that he would be alright.  God even promised Abram that He would be his shield and his protector.  Abram had God's promise that he and his family would be taken care of by God.  He was even promised a great reward for following God in blind faith!

Change can be a really scary thing.  Most people had rather things stay the same in their lives.  When there is no change then everyone knows what to expect and what to do.  When we are asked to step out of our comfort zone and go in a direction we have never gone before, it makes us very uncomfortable and sometimes even scared.  It is important for us to understand that when God calls us to a task He will equip us for that task.  If God calls, God provides!

What are some of the comfort zones in your life?  How hard is it for you to step out of those comfort zones?

We're gonna camp out on this point and hit it again tomorrow for a little bit!  Have a great day everybody!


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